It happened again. You’re distracted from the task at hand because your mind is busy with something completely different. Something is occupying your thoughts and taking you out of the moment. Does thinking something through over and over feel useful somehow? Somewhere along the way you became convinced that this type of thought process will […] Read more…
Anxiety Treatment
How To Set Goals That Increase Productivity and Reduce Anxiety
If you have tasks you want to accomplish and dreams you want to realize, you’ll need to set goals that increase your productivity. Setting these kinds of goals can be a great way to track your progress and keep your motivation high. Be aware, however, that some goals can actually increase stress and anxiety. Stress […] Read more…
How to Curb Anxiety Through Creativity
Does stress take the joy out of life? When you plan to start a task at work or at home, do you find yourself dreading the process? Anxiety and negativity limit your experiences and thoughts, reducing your quality of life. Harnessing your creative mind may be the answer. Here are some of the core reasons why […] Read more…
Anxiety Doesn’t Have to Harm Your Relationship
There is an abundance of information about how anxiety impacts our health—mentally, emotionally, and physically. Have you considered the impact anxiety may have on the health of your relationship? Take a look at my article on GoodTherapy’s blog. It’s all about how and why anxiety destroys relationships and what you can do to stop it from […] Read more…
Anxiety Tools: The Healing Power of Anger
What puts your anxiety over the edge? Frustration? Being tired? Holding it all in for way too long? If you’re looking for an effective way to reduce stress, expressing your anger in purposeful ways can help. If you spend excess energy on worry, deeper feelings and needs go unaddressed. Acknowledging anger is a tool that will help you organize, […] Read more…
Finding a Relationship: The Four Ways Anxiety is Stopping You
Chelsea is not in a serious relationship. Nothing good seems to be on the horizon. Sometimes she thinks finding and maintaining a relationship isn’t worth the hassle. Chelsea is relatively successful and enjoys life most of the time. If she is being completely honest, though, she wants to feel that finding a good relationship is possible. Getting to that point feels overwhelming. Does […] Read more…
Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone: 6 Steps to Stop Anxiety and Live a Full Life
Anxiety is an expert when it comes to limiting your experience of life. Do you often feel uneasy or have a tendency to worry? If so, you know that stress and anxiety can take away your sleep, stop you from enjoying the people around you, and prevent you from embracing new opportunities. Anxiety is built upon fear and it thrives […] Read more…
Free E-book: Anxiety Treatment Stress Tools
Your Anti-Stress Tools for Anxiety Treatment. Let’s face it, you’re stressed! You’re so stressed that sometimes life feels too overwhelming to handle. We all get worried, nervous and overwhelmed. But you know that it’s not that simple for you, and that the level of stress you experience is not healthy. Although you often feel numb to the tension and […] Read more…
Stress at Work: 4 Vital Tools for a Professional Stresser
Does your job cause you to wake up with a serious case of the Mondays? Workplace stress is one of the most common contributors to anxiety and depression. Your work stress may be impacting your health, your relationships, and your sense of self-worth. Maybe it’s time to make a few changes. Implementing these four tools will help you […] Read more…
Anxiety Reduction Tools: The Healing Power of Humor
“Laugh a lot. A good sense of humor cures almost all of life’s ills.” Ritu Ghatourey Those coping with the daily burden of worry, stress, and anxiety often feel as though happiness and relief are out of reach. Sometimes you may feel that the only way to reduce anxiety is to solve all of the problems you’re facing. […] Read more…